Social responsibility policy
The Paris Casino wants all our customers to enjoy their gaming experience with our company. The majority of people do enjoy gambling as
a particular style of risk taking and find it exciting and fun.
We want all of our customers to play with responsibility and within their means. However we acknowledge that there is a social responsibility
on us the service provider as well as the service user to ensure that the pastime of gambling does not become problem gambling.
In order to assist our players in gambling responsibly, we will provide a range of options:
Links to Gam Care and other advice
Self Help and awareness information
Staff awareness training on problem gambling.
Marketing and advertising
As a responsible operator The Paris Casino will use advertising and marketing with caution and confirm with any guidelines and policies laid down by the industry or its regulator.
We will ensure that no marketing or advertising to any person under 18 will take place.
Where advertising is used we will ensure that the content, timing or location of said material will in no way intentionally stimulate the interest
of persons under the age of 18.
Protection of children and young persons
The Paris Casino is committed to the protection of children and young persons from the influence of gaming. As such no one under the age of
18 years old will be admitted to The Paris Casino. Anyone who appears to be under the age of 25 will be required to produce identification of a
sufficient standard as to completely convince the management that the person concerned is over 18. This ID must include a photographic image. If sufficient I.D. cannot be produced that person will be refused entry until the above criteria can be satisfied.
If under extraordinary circumstances an underage person participated in gaming, then all their stakes must be returned and no prizes are to
be paid.
Any member attempting to bring in a guest found to be under the age of 18 will have their membership suspended pending an enquiry by the management. Should the member be found to have had knowledge that the person was under 18 that member will be suspended from the club for a period to be defined by the General Manager.
Brochures containing advice on where customers who feel they have a problem can go to for help and advice will be available throughout
the casino premises. As well as being available on reception they will be located in places such as the non-gaming areas and toilets so
customers may pick one up discretely if desired. Customers may always approach a member of the management in complete confidence to
ask for brochures or advice.
The Paris Casino will operate a self-exclusion policy which is simple to use and easily available to all our customers.
Should a customer wish to exclude themself from the premises they should ask to speak to a manager who will offer guidance and advice on how best to deal with their problem.
A form will need to be filled out for the casino records which will state that they wish to be excluded from using the casino facilities for a period
of a minimum of 6 months. A longer period of exclusion may be requested up to a maximum of 5 years, should that be required this period will
be specified on the form.
Once the specified exclusion period is over, if the customer wishes to re-join the casino they will need to re-apply for membership in the normal manner. There will be an enforced 24 hour cooling off period before the application will be processed. The General Manager may wish to speak with anyone who wishes to enter the casino after a self-exclusion.
Whilst excluded no member will receive any sort of marketing from the company and will not be approached with a view to re-join once the time period of exclusion has elapsed. The duty will be entirely on the customer to contact the casino.
Staff training
All staff will be instructed in the types of behaviour which may indicate a problem gambler. They will be made aware of the procedures for reporting their concerns to a member of the management who will then decide what and if any action is to be undertaken. These may include approaching the customer with the offer of advice or withdrawing the person’s membership and barring them from the casino premises.
Conducting gambling in a fair and open way
In order to ensure the facilities offered by The Paris Casino for the purpose of gambling are conducted in a fair and open way the following procedures will always be adhered to.
Game operation
All games offered will be operated in strict accordance with the Practice and Rules of the Games agreed with the Gaming Board for Great Britain.
When these are replaced or updated by the Gambling Commission The Paris Casino will immediately adopt the new procedures.
The house edge leaflets and rules of the games will always be readily available in the casino.
All games will be supervised at all times, at an appropriate level according to the weight of business; any overcrowding may cause jostling at the tables. This type of situation must be monitored and numbers diluted by opening other facilities or restricting access to an area before problems arise.
CCTV will be in operation at all times.
All games will be recorded and will be available at any reasonable time for review by an authorised person.
Dispute resolution
In the event of a dispute the first point of contact will be the floor supervisor. If a satisfactory conclusion cannot be reached by them the situation will be attended to by the Senior Manager on duty. If the customer is still not happy with the decision reached, then the situation will be elevated to the General Manager. The General Manager will speak to all interested parties and endeavour to bring the matter to a close.
In the event that all of the above fail, The Paris Casino will request that an impartial arbitrator reviews the situation and makes a decision.
The arbitrator will be nominated or drawn from the trade association Casino Operators Association UK (COA).
The customer at all times retains the right to contact the Gambling Commission.
Prevention of crime and disorder
In order to maintain the integrity of the business and to provide a pleasant environment free of crime and disorder and to prevent the casino becoming a source of, or associated with, crime and disorder The Paris Casino has drawn up the following policies and procedures. They will
be strictly adhered too. They are not exhaustive and will be reviewed at regular intervals to ensure the above criteria are being maintained.
Crime and disorder
Unless market forces demand otherwise, The Paris Casino will maintain a membership system, where all visitors to the casino must provide positive I.D. on entry.
All applications for membership will be reviewed and if acceptable passed by a senior member of management holding a grey certificate.
All reception staff will be required to report any suspicious applications to the senior manager on duty as soon as possible.
The floor supervisors will maintain observation of all customers whilst in the casino. Should any visitor be behaving in a manner giving rise for concern; these actions will be reported to the senior manager on duty.
Should a visitor to the casino appear, at any time, to be undesirable for any reason, that person’s membership or guest status will be suspended pending further investigation.
If after investigation by a senior manager that person should be found to be acting in a manner that could bring the good name of the casino
into disrepute that membership or guest privilege will be immediately withdrawn.
The Paris Casino maintains a zero tolerance policy in relation to the misuse of drugs.
Any customer found to be in possession of, or using illegal drugs whilst on the premises (this includes the car park) will have their membership
or guest status immediately withdrawn. The circumstances of the discovery will be reported to the local police.
Areas not covered by the CCTV i.e. toilets will be regularly checked by members of staff to ensure that no untoward behaviour is or has been taking place.
Money laundering
All staff are trained and instructed twice yearly on the Code of Practice Relating to the Prevention and Detection of Money Laundering in Casinos as issued through the Gambling Commission.
They are all made aware of the current prescribed limits that will prompt a Recordable Transaction Report.
They are trained to be aware of what may constitute a suspicious transaction that would prompt a SAR (Suspicious Activity Report).
They are also made aware of the penalties for not reporting.
All reports will be forwarded to the company designated MLRO (Money Laundering Reporting Officer), who will always report any recordable transaction to SOCA unless instructed by them not to.
The MLRO will decide on any suspicion based reports as to whether a SAR to SOCA is required.
Should the Gambling Commission, SOCA or any relevant recognised body alter or amend the codes of practice then The Paris Casino will adopt the new policies with immediate effect.